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It’s Spring!

Well, after a long cold winter that had us slipping and sliding all the way out to our cars, trucks and buses, we can just now see the light at the end of the tunnel – or should I say the thaw at the end of the freeze.

It won’t be long until crocuses poke their little colorful heads out of the ground to take a first glimpse at the all new – redesigned spring weather for 2013.  Well the weather isn’t much of a change from 2012, but you catch my drift.

So, what are you going to do with your gardening this year?  Is it an extension of last year, or a break away new direction for your little plot of heaven?  Is it veggies or flowers this year; or a combination of both?  Want to expand to a bigger climbing garden, or get your feet wet in beginning one?

The first thin to do is to begin thinking about what your new goals might be.  What about the size of your garden? Is it appropriate for the size of your property?  Are you over planting or under planting?  Maybe you have the room, but don’t have the time or energy to work a bigger garden.  Gardening takes both.  Over ambition leads to an over-whelming project that may make have you regretting you didn’t plan to pull in the rains when you were planing in the spring – which is now!

A little planning will go a long way to enjoying your garden as it blooms into an explosion of fragrance and color!

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