Each Thanksgiving for the past several years, I have made a holiday Cranberry sauce. In the Mid-Western part of the United States the tradition of Thanksgiving is closely related to not only what blessings have been granted over the year, but what foods will be consumed on this day of feasting. This years sauce is [...]
What could be be better than adding the visual excitement of containers full of beauty and having some fresh herbs to use for tonight’s dinner? Well quite a lot of things are better, but my point is beauty and taste – it’s a good thing! Being the gardener that you are, you probably have [...]
Thanks to everyone that came out to last night’s presentation on Herbs to Enhance Our Lives. It was a wonderful group, and quite a crowd! Here is the information I promised you about Harvesting and Preserving Herbs. Enjoy the information and the Basic Herbal Vinegars recipe! I have included a PDF of the information below for those [...]
I had a blast helping Barson’s Greenhouse – http://www.barsons.com/ – celebrated their 30th year in business over the weekend. I taught the ‘cooking and preserving herbs’ class. Barsons also offered a number of other gardening classes to educated there customers on topics such as canning and butterfly gardening. Herbs, what a great alternative to seasoning [...]