Going ‘Dutch’ for all of you young-ins out there in reader land was/is a term for paying your own way on a date. This concept was invented by the male of the species for cheeping out on the cost of weekend fun, and sometimes even supported by the female of the species when she was [...]
What could be be better than adding the visual excitement of containers full of beauty and having some fresh herbs to use for tonight’s dinner? Well quite a lot of things are better, but my point is beauty and taste – it’s a good thing! Being the gardener that you are, you probably have [...]
On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Paula Kraus will be giving a presentation at the Novi Public Library from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The topic will be “Container Gardening with Culinary and Scented Herbs.” The presentation is to geared toward introducing a variety of culinary / scented herbs to the attendees. During the course of the [...]
Thanks to everyone that came out to last night’s presentation on Herbs to Enhance Our Lives. It was a wonderful group, and quite a crowd! Here is the information I promised you about Harvesting and Preserving Herbs. Enjoy the information and the Basic Herbal Vinegars recipe! I have included a PDF of the information below for those [...]
“Are you ready for some ‘Exotic Love’?” WOW, look at all of the hands shoot up! Well, let me rephrase that – “Are you ready for some ‘Exotic Love’ in your garden?” Okay, okay, everyone can put their hands down now. ”How about a little Mini Lobata?” Great! Now I know who the real gardeners [...]
Spring is in the air! The Crocus are in bloom and the turf grass is coming to life and proudly displaying this years version of the ever-popular bright green! But, what’s this? There are some brown spots throughout your lawn? That won’t do! Time to make some early spring repairs
Climbing plants can create a mystery in your garden by building a vertical wall of greenery and blooms!