With Father’s Day coming this sunday, why not give him the perfect gift. That is, the perfect gift certificate! What better place to grab all of that gardening glory, than Amazon.com? Amazon has about anything and everything your ‘daddy with the green thumb’ could want for his Earthen Garden, and a lot of things he [...]
On Wednesday, May 23, 2012 Paula Kraus will be giving a presentation at the Novi Public Library from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm. The topic will be “Container Gardening with Culinary and Scented Herbs.” The presentation is to geared toward introducing a variety of culinary / scented herbs to the attendees. During the course of the [...]
Thanks to everyone that came out to last night’s presentation on Herbs to Enhance Our Lives. It was a wonderful group, and quite a crowd! Here is the information I promised you about Harvesting and Preserving Herbs. Enjoy the information and the Basic Herbal Vinegars recipe! I have included a PDF of the information below for those [...]
“Are you ready for some ‘Exotic Love’?” WOW, look at all of the hands shoot up! Well, let me rephrase that – “Are you ready for some ‘Exotic Love’ in your garden?” Okay, okay, everyone can put their hands down now. ”How about a little Mini Lobata?” Great! Now I know who the real gardeners [...]
Paula Kraus, Advanced Master Gardener and Earthen Garden (http://earthengarden.com) guest columnist, will be a guest speaker at Novi, Michigan Public Library on May 23, 2012. Paula will introduce us to a variety of culinary / scented herbs throughout her presentation. She will cover suggested container garden materials and offer tips to keep container plants thriving [...]
If you’re looking for some eye candy for your Earthen Garden with varieties that love to bask in the heat of the sun, and some that can also dazzle you while they are ‘made in the shade’ – look no further than Asarina – aka climbing snapdragons. This annual beauty is a show-stopper. A couple of [...]
One of my favorite creative uses of fennel seeds are Fennel Seed Cookies. They are a refreshing change from Shortbread and Chocolate Chip cookies, because of the wonderfully distinctive flavor of Fennel. It has the texture and taste of a crisp cookie with slight licorice flavor. Check out the following recipe! Fennel Seed Cookies 1/2 [...]
I had a blast helping Barson’s Greenhouse – http://www.barsons.com/ – celebrated their 30th year in business over the weekend. I taught the ‘cooking and preserving herbs’ class. Barsons also offered a number of other gardening classes to educated there customers on topics such as canning and butterfly gardening. Herbs, what a great alternative to seasoning [...]